Their mask has been removed," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told members of Iran's judiciary on June 27. Yes, it has.

Ahmadinejad was referring to President Barack Obama's recent criticism of his government's dictatorial actions. But it would have been far more accurate if he had been talking about his own morally bankrupt administration and the ruling religious clerics who control it.

Yes, the mask — and it's been a thin one — has been removed from a regime that pretends to be a democracy and then rigs elections. It's been removed from a government that rules by fear and intimidation. It's been removed from a theocracy that claims God's favor and then murders its people when they protest.

Ahmadinejad has always been a crazy-eyed thug whose threats against Israel and denial of the Holocaust called into question, at least, his judgment and perhaps his sanity. His government exports terrorism and seeks a nuclear arsenal whose existence would be frightening to imagine.

Now, not even the rosiest of rose-colored glasses could hide the fact that he is part of an illegitimate autocracy that squelches dissent and then clumsily tries to cover its tracks by expelling and even detaining foreign journalists. The authority Ahmadinejad and his ruling clerics exercise comes from the barrel of a gun, not by the will of the Iranian people.

Obama came into office with a televised appeal to Iranians and their leaders in which he called for a "new beginning" and for a future "where the old divisions are overcome." Hopefully, he now understands that divisions cannot be overcome between the United States and a government with no respect for human rights and a history of threatening us and our allies.

No matter what Ahmadinejad does now, Obama's response should be simple and forthright: We recognize no government of Iran until its people's will is recognized first. America must speak up for the cause of freedom, not attempt to overcome divisions with a government that doesn't really try to mask its true intentions. No new beginning is possible for Iran as long as its leaders practice more of the same. Ahmadinejad and the ruling clerics must go.

Noelle Nikpour, a Republican strategist and fundraiser, regularly appears on Fox News, The Strategy Room and various political talk shows. Respond to this column by writing to